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Writing helps us make sense of ourselves, to explore our hearts and minds, to better understand others, to take journeys and find freedom.

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Beverley Ward

Hi, I’m Beverley.

I’m a writer, facilitator and coach. I’m also the owner of the Writers Workshop in Sheffield.

I write for adults, children and young people, enjoy writing both fiction and poetry and I write blogs and memoir too.

I’d love to help you on your own journey, wherever it takes you, whether you have one primary focus or several. Come and join me.

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Children’s Clubs and
Writer Retreats

Writing allows us to travel to places that we might never go to in our real lives and to experience things that we can only dream of.

Writing allows us a window onto other worlds, a door into new experiences, a mirror of our own lives.

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Beverley’s classes


Beverley’s writing workshops mean the absolute world to me. They are a safe, welcoming space where you are free to let your imagination fly, and my writing has come on in leaps and bounds since I’ve been attending. It’s through this that I have found my writing voice. Thank you.

~ Lucie Jolley

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I encourage people to live their own authentic lives, just as I encourage writers to find their authentic voice. I want to liberate people from their own self-limiting beliefs and enable people to live their best, most authentic, creative lives.

Life, like fiction, is full of ups and downs, plot twists and unexpected obstacles that we must learn to overcome.

Through coaching we can change our narratives and become creators of our own destinies.


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